
Information on Purchase Subsidy

National government subsidy + local government subsidy + other subsidies (small business subsidy, diesel car scrapping subsidy)

※ Other subsidies are only applicable to eligible customers.

Subsidized Vehicles

Electric vehicles that fulfill the following requirements

  • ·Vehicles that have completed all vehicle-related certifications in accordance with relevant laws and regulations, such as the [Automobile Management Act], the [Atmospheric Environment Conservation Act] and the [Noise and Vibration Control Act], etc.
  • ·Vehicles that are appropriate for the evaluation items and criteria for electric vehicles in accordance with the [Regulations on Evaluation of Electric Vehicle Subjected to Supply].

Purchase Subsidy Application Process

  1. Announcement of supply project - Local government
  2. Electric vehicle purchase contract - Buyer → Vehicle manufacturer/importer
  3. Receipt of application for electric vehicle purchase support - Vehicle manufacturer/importer → Local government
  4. Selection and notification of electric vehicle purchase support recipients - Local governments (choose among the order of delivery and registration, raffling or order of receipt of application)
  5. Vehicle delivery and registration(within 2 months in principle) - Vehicle manufacturer/importer → Buyer
  6. Vehicle manufacturer/importer → Buyer(within 10 days of delivery and registration) - Vehicle manufacturer/importer → Local government
  7. Payment of subsidy(within 14 days in principle) → Local government → Vehicle manufacturer/importer
  1. Announcement of supply project - Local government
  2. Electric vehicle purchase contract - Buyer → Vehicle manufacturer/importer
  3. Receipt of application for electric vehicle purchase support - Vehicle manufacturer/importer → Local government
  4. Selection and notification of electric vehicle purchase support recipients - Local governments (choose among the order of delivery and registration, raffling or order of receipt of application)
  5. Vehicle delivery and registration(within 2 months in principle) - Vehicle manufacturer/importer → Buyer
  6. Vehicle manufacturer/importer → Buyer(within 10 days of delivery and registration) - Vehicle manufacturer/importer → Local government
  7. Payment of subsidy(within 14 days in principle) → Local government → Vehicle manufacturer/importer

IR3 and IR5 are now available for pre-order!